

Hello! This is the founder, coach and fitness trainer, Pasha “the Sculptor” Stroikov. Allow me to share a little bit about myself to help you understand the beginning of Body Sculpting School.

Hello! This is the founder, coach and fitness trainer, Pasha “the Sculptor” Stroikov. Allow me to share a little bit about myself to help you understand the beginning of Body Sculpting School.


Age Events
5 I started my fitness journey with swimming and wushu.
8 I saw my first "muscle magazine" with reigning Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates, and was fascinated by bodybuilding and bodybuilders.
10 I joined one of the few gyms in Kazakhstan. It was made of cars scrap. 😁
13 I switched to boxing after I was severely bullied at school. I joined a total of 5 amateur fights and won all of them.
14 I arrived in Canada and decided to continue boxing.
16 I decided to go back to the gym, but I had no guidance, and therefore, I did not reach any result. At the same age, I joined the Canadian Military Reserves with Armoured Reconnaissance.
18 I returned to martial arts, Muay Thai and BJJ. I participated in tournaments and more amateur fights. I had wins and losses, but I always, always worked with iron, barbells and dumbbells. The gym became my home.
19 I got my first Power Lifting coach. And for the first time in my life, I started getting serious results in strength and muscle GAINZ. 💪💪💪
20 my mind and body transformed. I became a personal trainer and had multiple world-class mentors in fitness, which all helped expand my knowledge and my skills immensely. At the same time, I continued power lifting, Muay Thai, BJJ and endurance training.
24 I switched to full time military. And for next 2 years, I worked as a drill instructor, PT instructor and obstacle course facilitator. I have passed multiple selections, including famous "hell week" to specialized units.
27 I retired from military and went back to personal training and coaching. With that much military experience, I quickly became one of the top trainers in the company and won top awards. I focused on bodybuilding by learning and experimenting. At the same time, I went back to martial arts.
28 while i was preparing for my first bodybuilding show, I tore my right bicep. Overcoming the injury made me realize that martial arts and body building cannot be done together, and one of them had to go, so I hanged my gloves for good.
30 my injury was healed, and I focused on body building and personal training.
34 I was living the lifestyle of a bodybuilder, but I still was afraid to compete considering my past experience. I started training with IFBB pro, a mentor and a coach Evo. He helped me to overcome my fears and FINALLY step on stage.
I PLACED 2nd in classic and 3rd in bodybuilding in that show! All this completely changed my life, remade me and turned me into a new person. The new life has begun. My true OBSESSION was unleashed. I learned a lot of TRUTHS about the fitness industry. I developed my own training methods, which I am improving every single day. Bodybuilding helped me overcome a lot of unhealthy habits and addictions.
NOW. I quit/fired from all my jobs. I have started private training with my OWN methods based on my OWN experiences. I give people knowledge and tools to make their own success stories and their own transformations. My mission is to give POWER and KNOWLEDGE to people, discipline and motivation through social media.